
Winston Woo

J2 Group

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J2 Group

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- Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME), Ontario Board of Directors (2010 to present)
- Chair, CME Ontario Finance Committee (2010 to present)
- Tax Executives Institute (TEI), Toronto Chapter Representative (2012 - 2014)
- President, TEI - Toronto Chapter (2011 - 2012)
- Ontario Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee (2013 - present)
- Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) Finance & Economic Competitiveness Committee
- Administrator Advisory Committee to Pension Division, FSCO (2013 to present)
- Chartered Accountant (ICAO, CICA)
- TEI Canadian Income Tax Committee (2007 - 2010)
- Ontario Business Advisory Council
- OCC, pensions task force
- OCC, sales tax task force

1) U.S. and Canada Income, Capital, Sales & Property Tax
2) Pensions governance and risk management: long term asset mix policy and tactical calibrations, funding valuation and strategies, investment manager performance monitoring, pension policy & reform